Basic principles of traditional astrology.

Astrology may be divided into three parts: natal, synastry and prognostic. Natal astrology interprets natal charts and tries to determine personality, skills, strong and weak points etc. basing on the place and time of birth. Synastry astrology compares natal charts of two persons and tries to answer questions like: if these persons can make a good couple in marriage or business etc. Prognostic astrology tries to predict future (or at least things like periods of better or worse physical condition etc.) by comparaison of natal chart with actual planets' positions but not only (one can use e.g. so-called directions or symbolic shifts of planets).

Natal astrology.

Required data: time of birth (as precisely as possible, the best would be precision at least 5 min.) and coordinates of the place of birth. Basing on that one can calculate Houses is a method to divide celestial sphere basing on place of birth and local sidereal time instead of Zodiac. The sky is divided into 12 sectors: It is not clear how to determine other cusps - there are a lot of methods, each astrologer has to chose one of them (or invent another one). To tell the truth I must add that not all methods assume that Asc. is the cusp of the 1st house or MC is the cusp of 10th house (there are methods that divide the ecliptic into 12 equal houses - 30° - starting from Asc. or MC) but these non-standard methods are not very common. Asc. and MC are thought to be one of the most important points in the horoscope. Most of astrologers (but not all of them) think that cusp of house is its beginning.

O.K., if we have positions of planets and houses we can try to interpret them. We can look at positions in the Zodiac signs (method to divide the Ecliptic to 12 equal sectors 30° each, starting from the spring equinox point; names of these signs were taken from names of constellations that were in these places about 2000 years ago - now they are shifted about 30°) and in houses, aspects between planets (here "planets" mean planets plus so-called Lights or the Sun and the Moon) and planets to Asc., MC and the Moon N Node (and sometimes to other points like the Part of Fortune) and some other things. Aspects are differences of ecliptic longitudes especially if they are near n*30° (great aspects) or n/k*360° (Kepler aspects) where n and k are integers.

Synastry astrology.

There are compared two horoscopes. One can look if signs where are the Sun, the Moon and Asc. fit to each other and look at aspects between planets, Lights, Asc. and MC.

Prognostic astrology.

One looks mainly at aspects of planets at the time to positions of planets, Lights, Asc. and MC in the time and place of birth and their positions in houses in the natal chart. Apart from actual positions (transits) some astrologers take also natal positions shifted t*1° forward (t is age in years, some astrologers take other angles) - so-called directions - or shifted due to rule: 1 day after birth -> 1 year after birth - so-called progressions.

As we see, astrology rules are complicated and based mainly on ecliptic longitudes - probably because planets and Lights are always close to the ecliptic (only Pluto can be up to 17° apart, other bodies much less).

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